
London Breast ScreeningSouth West London

Text reminder service

To help you to remember to attend, we are now able to send you a text reminder just before your appointment.

If you would like to receive a text reminder of your appointment, please complete the form below and press ‘Submit’. We will then send you a text reminder just before your appointment is due. Please note that we must have received your mobile number at least five days before your appointment.

If we have screened you in the past, we may already have a mobile number for you. If you have changed your number please also complete the form below.

NOTE: Your screening reference number can be found in the top left-hand corner of your invitation letter and starts with the letters 'HWA' followed by 5 or 6 numbers. If you do not have your reference number just enter 'n/a'.

If you would like to receive an email confirmation please enter your email address here

Please be assured that your mobile number will only be used by the London Breast Screening Service for the purpose of reminding you of your appointment or of any changes to your appointment. Please let us know if your mobile number changes.

Manage Your Appointment


If you have been asked to book an appointment or would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

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Where we screen


We screen at various convenient places across the region.

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For a list of answers to commonly asked questions, please click here....
